Healthy Celebrations and Snacks at Endeavour Elementary

In the fall of 2022 Endeavour Elementary will begin incorporating new guidelines from

the district’s wellness policy and the USDA Smart Snacks program into our school

practice for celebrations, rewards, and snacks. Please join us as we undertake this

journey to try out new ideas for having fun, celebrating special times, and rewarding

student success in healthier and more active ways!


At Endeavour, we are no longer celebrating birthdays with food or snacks (In

accordance with EPS’s wellness policy and USDA Smart Snacks program).

Please check with your child’s teacher to learn their classroom plan for birthday


Planned Classroom Celebrations

Your child’s teacher will have planned celebrations throughout the year. They will

communicate when these celebrations will occur and what healthy snacks you can send

to share with the class.

Classroom Rewards

We will continue to celebrate the success of our students with classroom rewards.

Moving forward we will be focusing on utilizing rewards that fit within our healthier

guidelines and avoiding sugary treats like candy as part of our reward systems.

Rewards may still include fun things like certificates, games, special events, and small


Healthy Snack Ideas

● Fresh vegetables or fruit

● Dried fruit

● Whole grain crackers

● Graham crackers

● Low fat popcorn

● Pretzels

● Trail mix (no peanuts)

● Goldfish

● Raisins

● Etc

*As a reminder all shared snacks must be commercially prepared individually
